
Why purchase sodium-filled vegetable juice when it’s so easy to make your own? Our version tastes better and is loaded with eight fresh enzyme-rich, longevity-boosting vegetables. The colorful combination creates an addictive juice that is both sweet and salty—it’s so good!
Many health-care providers agree that eating a variety of vegetables and fruit is necessary to obtain the high levels of essential vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients needed for optimum health. Drinking them via a fresh juice allows these nutrients to be absorbed more quickly.
8 carrots 8
1/2 head romaine lettuce, chopped 1/2
1 stalk celery, halved 1
8 sprigs watercress 8
2 tomatoes, quartered 2
1/4 beet, quartered 1/4
2 cups packed chopped spinach leaves 500 mL
8 sprigs fresh flat-leaf (Italian) parsley 8
1. Using a juicer, process half each of the carrots, romaine, celery, watercress, tomatoes, beet, spinach and parsley.
2. Following the same order, repeat with the remaining vegetables.
3. Whisk well and serve immediately.
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