The Best Commercial Juicer for Your Home Business

You’ve probably already figured out that your equipment will be the most significant investment you will make for your home juice business. With this in mind, the most crucial asset for a home juice business is in the commercial (continuous use) juicer. You’ll need a trustworthy juice extractor that will meet the demand of your orders.

You must make the right choice for your home juice business; otherwise, you run the risk of having to spend the same or even more money with multiple machines, replacement parts, labor costs, and the hassles and pure frustration of downtime.

  • Consider the type of commercial juicer

Cold press juicers are the definite gold standard for commercial use, but they have a hefty price tag. If you don’t have the money upfront, as an alternative, you can consider acquiring a combination of commercially rated traditional cold press juicers and centrifugal juicers.

Slow juicers are also ideal for selling juice detox plans. But high-speed juice extractors should only be used for drinks that will be consumed right away.

  • It’s the real deal

Make sure you get a genuine juicer or press. The juice tastes better, lasts longer, and you will get a higher yield.

  • It’s NSF certified

In the US, all foodservice equipment used to make commercial food and beverage products must be NSF certified. You don’t want the health department shutting you down because your equipment isn’t approved. That is a lot of money to invest to be shut down almost immediately.

  • Is a proven performer

If you’re investing thousands for a commercial machine, you want to make sure it can scale with your business, so you do not have to re-invest every year. This means the device should be built to last for continuous use and last for years. Most juicers overheat or break down after long periods of use. These are not good choices for a commercial venture.

  • Check out the yield figures

When buying a commercial juicer or press, consider the yield that will be needed. There are machines out there that can produce 20-25 (12oz) bottles per hour up to 8000 bottles per hour. Know what you need for efficient use of your time.

Here are some of our top picks for commercial juicers. But you need to do the research and figure out what one best suits your needs.

The Tribest Green Star Pro

This is the only twin gear juicer that is commercially rated. It has a high yield percentage of your produce. This means more revenue for your business. The biggest minus for this juicer is it can only be used for a short time continuously. If used for longer than advised, the heat may affect your juice’s taste and nutrition content.

This is a great commercial juicer if you are on a budget and looking to get your juice business off the ground.  Also, as a member of Juice Guru Institute, you’ll receive a substantial discount on this juicer.

Goodnature M-1 Commercial Cold Press Juicer

This juice press is built for small commercial use and can fit on your home counter. The M-1 is sturdy enough for small juice bars, so it can withstand any level of use you throw at in your home juice business.

This machine works like a hydraulic juice press, which is the gold standard in juice extraction efficiency and nutrient retention. The only downside is the investment price is significant.

Get a free gift with the purchase of this juicer with coupon code “JUICEGURU” when you check out here.

Kuvings Whole Slow Juicer Chef CS600

This product is currently the only commercial-grade vertical masticating juice extractor. It comes with an industrial-grade motor that enables it to operate continuously. It can handle all types of whole produce. This decreases your prep time significantly.

Find out more about the Kuvings Commercial Juicer here.

Hamilton Beach Otto HJE960 Series

Hamilton Beach commercial juicer is a centrifugal juice extractor designed for back-to-back juicing of fruits and vegetables. The durable material stands up to heavy use, while a brushless induction motor with dual cooling fans offers overheating protection.

This commercial juicer is expertly designed to give maximum output and durable performance to keep your business flowing.

Hopefully, this information can put you on the road to deciding the best commercial juicer for your new venture. Best of luck, and remember to keep juicing!


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