Defending Privacy in a Networked World with Rainey Reitman

During this masterclass, you’ll find out about digital privacy and a few simple ways to be more secure and private online.

Join us with Rainey Reitman, Activism Team Director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

You’ll find out:

  • An overview of how information online is collected and gathered, often without our knowledge and consent
  • The relationship between big tech companies engaged in data collection and government surveillance abuses
  • Small ways each of us can start to take control of our data and more powerful ways, such as legislation, which society can use to defend privacy

About the guest:

Rainey Reitman serves as director of the activism team at the Electronic Frontier Foundation. She is particularly interested in the intersection between personal privacy and technology, particularly social networking privacy, network security, web tracking, government surveillance, and online data brokers.

Reitman is a board member and co-founder of the Freedom of the Press Foundation, a nonprofit organization that defends and supports unique, independent, nonprofit journalistic institutions. She, along with co-founders Daniel Ellsberg, Trevor Timm, and J.P. Barlow, received the 2013 Hugh M. Hefner First Amendment Award in Journalism.

Reitman was a co-founder and steering committee member for the Chelsea Manning Support Network, a network of individuals and organizations that advocated for the release of accused WikiLeaks whistleblower Private Chelsea Manning. Previously, Reitman served on the board of directors for the Bill of Rights Defense Committee, a nonprofit whose mission is to organize and support an effective, national grassroots movement to restore civil liberties guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.

Prior to joining EFF, Reitman served as Director of Communications for the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, a nonprofit advocacy and education organization promoting consumer privacy.


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