How to Eat Wild Edible Plants

Visionary health expert Sergei Boutenko shares the benefits of eating more wild edibles and how we can start eating for free (while getting healthier). Also, author Karen Ranzi shares about a new juicing for autism study.

Sergei Boutenko is an author, filmmaker, adventurer, and wild edible enthusiast. After reversing his own health ailments through diet and exercise, Sergei has become committed to sharing the healing power of good nutrition with all those who want to learn. Sergei shares his experience through lectures, retreats, books, documentary films, and apps.


This Doctor Says Juicing Is The Best

The ideal diet to thrive as human beings.
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How to Go Vegan

Transition to a healthy lifestyle and achieve your ideal weight.
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How to Heal with a Vegan Diet

Bestselling author Mark Reinfeld shares how eating more vegetables and fruit can help overcome a variety of diseases.
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