Tribute to Dr. Jameth Sheridan, the Ultimate Health Warrior

A true Health Warrior, Dr. Jameth Sheridan, recently passed away. And I am struggling to find the words to pay him tribute….

To me, Jameth was more than just a leader in the health movement, an inspiration and guiding light…

He was a friend.

I first met Dr. Jameth Sheridan over ten years ago when I had the opportunity to interview him on my first radio show…

I can remember his passion… his strong spirit… and his commitment to spreading a message that transcended far beyond food.

That is the Jameth I remember… and thankfully I have many of his interviews to share so that his message resonates in years to come.

Dr. Jameth Sheridan was like a human-computer… artfully combining facts with a passion to show us another way to transform our lives with real food and nutrition…

And reach a state of health that can be only be stated as “transcending.”

He was a gifted teacher and speaker. I have been honored to feature many great men and women on my shows and summits over the years. None have received the passionate acclaim of my fans like Dr. Sheridan. People loved him. And his words resonated with them.

Dr. Jameth Sheridan put the needs of others before himself. He was perhaps the most compassionate and generous person I have ever met.

In private conversations, Dr. Sheridan would share with me his ultimate mission… to create a vegan world…

A world where we aren’t dependent on animals for food…

A world where we aren’t victim to the propaganda put forth by the meat and dairy industry touting their newest caveman diet…

A world where we live and let live, and are rewarded with superior health.

His love for others was his mission, and he spent countless hours researching the latest studies on the foods that both prevent and lead to sickness and disease.

Dr. Jameth Sheridan lived his message… even though he was born with a body that would ultimately fail at a younger age.

I was able to pay a visit to Jameth’s bedside in his final days… I was awarded the opportunity to thank him for all he brought to this planet while reminding him how much more he still has to share…

And he does still have much to share. I want to thank Dr. Sheridan for leaving us with a wealth of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom that we can pass on in the work that we do…

His spirit will live on in our work at Juice Guru and our programs that he remains a part of…

Goodbye, my dear friend. Rest in peace.


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