The Truth about Vegan Fitness
During this interview with Jon Venus, the widely followed YouTube fitness expert, you’ll learn about fitness with a plant-based diet.
Plant-based or plant-forward eating patterns focus on foods primarily from plants. This includes not only fruits and vegetables, but also nuts, seeds, oils, whole grains, legumes, and beans. It doesn’t mean that you are vegetarian or vegan and never eat meat or dairy. Rather, you are proportionately choosing more of your foods from plant sources.
During this interview with Jon Venus, the widely followed YouTube fitness expert, you’ll learn about fitness with a plant-based diet.
During this interview with Ilene Godofsky Moreno, author of “The Colorful Kitchen: Simple Plant-Based Recipes for Vibrancy, Inside and Out”, you’ll learn how to add color to your vegan recipes.
During this interview with Candice Hutchings, Co-Founder of The Edgy Veg, you’ll learn why the vegan movement is important and how to spice up your recipes.
Authors Alex Jack and Sachi Kato show us eating a balanced, plant-based diet is not only the best choice for your health and the planet- these foods are also essential for your mental and emotional well-being.
Award-winning author Jesse Jacoby joins shares the top 17 healthiest choices we should make each day while eliminating the top habits that are depleting your body.
Interview with bestselling author Chef Del Sroufe of “The China Study Family Cookbook: 100 Recipes to Bring Your Family to the Plant-Based Table”.
Bestselling author Mark Reinfeld shares how eating more vegetables and fruit can help overcome a variety of diseases.
Raw food pioneer, author and entrepreneur Jenny Ross shows us how to get our kids eating more healthy, plant-based foods.
Ageless celebrity vegan chef Babette Davis shares her top tips to live a healthy life and turn back the clock on aging.
Author and fitness trainer to the star John Pierre (JP) shares how to quickly and easily start getting into great shape.
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