How to Compost With Ease

During this interview, you’ll learn why you should compost your scraps with a worm bin and how to get started.

Join us with Henry Owen, author of “How to Start a Worm Bin: Your Guide to Getting Started with Worm Composting”.

You’ll find out:

  • Composting worms have three jobs: eat, poop, and make babies
  • Worm composting allows you to responsibly dispose of your kitchen scraps while at the same time creating nutrient rich compost that you can use on indoor or outdoor plants
  • Worm composting is fun and anyone can do it!
  • The worm bin can be kept inside an apartment or outside

About the guest:
A native of San Antonio, TX, Henry fell in love with nature as a child at summer camp and on family camping trips. Henry believes that all people need to be connected to nature and that all children deserve opportunities for imaginative, exploratory, nature-based play. He has worked at summer camps and as a 2nd grade teacher. He co-founded and directed Friendship Gardens, a non profit project that grows food for meals-on-wheels in Charlotte, NC before moving back to Texas to serve the Nature Discovery Center as Executive Director. He is a husband, father, educator, adventure play advocate, garden nerd, and composter.


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