How to Be Normal As a Vegan

Anyone can eat healthy plant-based foods from the comfort of your own kitchen. It doesn’t have to cost a fortune!

Folks on Main Street can eat and live like vegans on a reasonable budget.

During this interview, you’ll learn:

  • The interesting evolution of the vegan community, from someone who has been a part of it for over 20 years (Victoria)
  • Why it doesn’t really matter if you call yourself a vegan or not or, as it says in the book, “Words matter, certainly, but actions matter more

About the Guests:

Victoria Moran ( is a vegan of over three decades, an obesity survivor, and the 2016/17 winner of the “Peta’s Sexiest Vegan Over 50.” Listed by VegNews among the Top 10 Living Vegetarian Authors, she’s written twelve books, including The Love-Powered Diet, The Good Karma Diet, the international bestseller Creating a Charmed Life, and the iconic Main Street Vegan, whose fans range from Bill Clinton to Ellen Degeneres. Victoria was featured twice on Oprah, hosts the award-winning Main Street Vegan podcast, and directs Main Street Vegan Academy, the exciting in-person program in NYC that trains and certifies Vegan Lifestyle Coaches and Educators. She is also the producer of the upcoming documentary by filmmaker Thomas Wade Jackson, The Compassion Project, introducing veganism to people of faith.

JL Fields is a newspaper writer, magazine columnist, speaker, culinary instructor, lifestyle coach, activist, and radio personality. She is the author of Vegan Pressure Cooking: Delicious Beans, Grains, and One-Pot Meals in Minutes, and co-author of Vegan for Her: The Woman’s Guide to Being Healthy and Fit on a Plant-Based Diet. She is also a brand consultant for a variety of national companies. The blogger behind, Fields has received culinary training at the Natural Gourmet Institute and the Christina Pirello School of Natural Cooking and Integrative Health Studies. She is a Main Street Vegan Academy-certified Vegan Lifestyle Coach and Educator, and a certified Food for Life instructor with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM). She writes and broadcasts from Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Get their book here:The Main Street Vegan Academy Cookbook


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