How to Live Your Best Life Ever

Here’s what you’ll find out during our session with author Lily Sanders:

  • The key things we can change in our lives today to experience true inner peace.
  • The secret to loving yourself unconditionally.
  • How to let go of your stories and the things holding you back.
  • How juicing is making Lily an Age Boss.

About our Guest:

Lily Sanders’s life experiences, adversity, talent, sense of humor, and intense compassion have gifted her a purpose to write, influence, and coach others. As a magazine columnist, Lily inspired thousands, while writing her own powerful book. Her newly internationally released book, Truth to Triumph: A Spiritual Guide to Finding Your Truth has already begun transforming lives.

Lily grew up in a domestically violent home and used ballet class as her sanctuary. That became a springboard to a successful career as a dancer, TV and film actress, Broadway performer, and later successful multiple franchise owner. But domestic abuse followed her long into adulthood, risking her life and that of her son…until she took the steps to learn to love herself unconditionally and connect with the Source power of love. Today, she is a highly successful coach in New York helping women live fully empowered, happy lives.


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