Authentically You to Build Your Wellness Brand

On this episode of Juice Guru Radio for entrepreneurs, Steve talked with special guest Misty Angelique. Highlights include:

  • Misty’s lifelong story of entrepreneurship, from her first beauty brand to Authentically Branded, a hair, skin, and supplement line aimed at empowering women to take control of their health. 
  • How a mystery illness inspired Misty to take control of her health through juicing and holistic medicine, including attending the Juice Guru Institute.
  • Why you should pursue ‘authenticpreneurship’ instead of chasing followers.
  • How Misty used juicing to transform her life
  • Misty’s AB Life Program

About the guest:

Misty Angelique is the founder and CEO of Authentically Branded Solutions, a line of hair and skin products and supplements designed to build your beauty from the inside out. Misty has years of experience as a cosmetologist, along with a background in entrepreneurship and business administration. Along with her product line, Misty offers a life-changing 90-day program designed for women called the AB Life Program. She’s also a mother of four, an author, a speaker, and a devoted woman of God. She changed her life and health through juicing and the Juice Guru Certified Juice Therapist program and is on a mission to help other women achieve their best lives.


Juice Guru Radio:

Juice Guru Institute:

Juice Guru’s Certified Juice Therapist program:

Authentically Branded:

The AB Life Program:

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Steve Prussack

We’ve got Misty Angelique here. She’s a wife, mother of 4, a daughter, entrepreneur, marketer, cosmetologist, author, public speaker and devoted woman of faith. She enjoys spending her days sharing her life’s passion and that’s empowering women. We’re going to hear all about her brand, Authentically Branded Solutions, also known as- well, we say #theABway. Welcome to show right now, Misty Angelique. Well, that’s a mouthful.

Misty Angelique

Thank you, Steve. I appreciate that.

Steve Prussack

You’re not too busy, are you?

Misty Angelique

No, not at all. I have more room on my plate for more.

Steve Prussack

You got a lot going on. So take us back. What brought you down the entrepreneurial path? Let’s hear a little more about your story now.

Misty Angelique

Well, okay. So, I guess I’m a proven witness that when you just take one step forward, things just start to evolve, right? So when I was in middle school, my mother actually took me to a hair salon. And because of my multicultural background, I have curly hair. My mom has fine straight hair, and we left the salon with her being happy and me looking like a lion. And what happened was they just wasn’t as savvy with curly hair. And I was in that chair and I said, “You know what? I want to go into the beauty industry.”

Misty Angelique

And from there, led me going into the beauty industry, becoming a licensed cosmetologist. From there, my goal as being a stylist where I heard issues from women. And so my slogan with them, my beauty brand was, “Beauty Beyond The Bottle.” But I never thought in a million years that I would be the first participant to understand what does cultivating inner beauty really means, until I went through health struggles myself. So that’s what started the entrepreneur journey. 

Steve Prussack

Ohh. Okay, yeah. So take us back. What were some of those health struggles and challenges along the way?

Misty Angelique

Well in 2016, I suffered severely physically, and the doctors considered me a mystery case. I was hospitalized six different times. They didn’t understand what was wrong, yet something was wrong. So they diagnosed me with all these autoimmune issues. And then, they wanted to send me home on some medicines and pharmaceuticals that only was dealing with symptoms and not the root cause. It was then I said, that was it. Put my foot down, Steve. And I said, I need to get to the bottom of what’s going on. 

Misty Angelique

From there, that’s when the whole world of juicing opened up for me. I went to see holistic doctors. I suffered severely as now what I know, it was candida. I had pathogens, I had parasites, and my insides was just going crazy. And so, the beautiful world of juicing was introduced to me, and I ran with it.

Steve Prussack

Well, so those changes internally made you realize you wanted to incorporate it into the work you’re doing?

Misty Angelique

Definitely. So, while I was figuring out the whole world of juicing, I realized with consulting with those that are in the beauty industry, there are four things that women are always plagued with. There’s either our health issues, there’s a relationship issue, there’s a finance issue, that ultimately affects our business. And so, what I like to do now is take women on a journey where we deal with all of those four pillars that somehow or another impacts our business.

Misty Angelique

And so I said, well, because I suffered with health, I had to pause with business, and because I had to pause with business, I don’t ever want anyone to ever have to go through this. And so now, I incorporate juicing into a lot of my consulting courses. So we can deal with the health and wellbeing first, so we can source business women.

Steve Prussack

Wow. So it’s a real holistic model, and it’s called AB. Do we call it The ABway? Is that the best way? 

Misty Angelique

Yes. ABway originated from- it started with the hair care line. It was Authentically Branded, okay? And so we started with Authentically Branded, with hair care and skin care and now we have herbal supplements. And so now, as a result of my personal struggle, we’ve incorporated the Abway, where we deal with authentically becoming, authentic body, authentic business, and then, authentic bonding that deals with relationships. Again, those four areas that women somehow or another find as a stumbling block along the way.

Steve Prussack

Yeah, I love it. And obviously, you’re a beacon of health and you shine. So, I’m sure that really helps in when we’re building our business, that we’re the- what we call the attractive character, the charismatic face of the business. So, has that been important to you to get yourself out there in that way?

Misty Angelique

Well, I think it’s very important. Me coming from a background, especially in faith. I’m really big in faith. And I think that, in order to really be about what it is that we’re representing and really get people to understand the root cause and or have them jump on board is that we really have to represent that.

Misty Angelique

And by me representing that when it comes to health and vibrant- like I represented being sick and everything else, right? And so because of that, nothing, no life comes from that. And so I represent now, what it means to like take health and wellness and run with that. And almost like your life depends on that. And that’s my mission to change the world. 

Steve Prussack

Awesome. I think you know, it’s also about sharing your struggles, along the way. And with that, with health and with the entrepreneurial journey, too. So, what about the entrepreneurial journey? Because this path is not for the light-hearted. It’s the roller coaster of building or climbing. What kind of challenges has there been in building your business along the way?

Misty Angelique

You know what I would say to that, Steve? Like, I kind of coined this phase, right? Entrepreneurship, some people think it’s really daunting. And it is a lot of work, it’s a lot of work. However, I like to coin the phrase ‘authenticpreneurship’. And when you really tap into who it is that you are, what it is that you’re supposed to deliver to the world in a big way, you really are free to be yourself. So this is why even early on, when my years behind the chair in the beauty industry started, there was always a desire for me to be myself, right? Because it’s easy to be yourself. It takes more work to be something or somebody else.

Steve Prussack


Misty Angelique

And so because of that, the challenges that I ran into when it comes to “entrepreneurship”, was- I wouldn’t even say it’s a challenge. I would say it was a stretching to become more free to be me. And so, that’s why I preached the message of authenticity. Because when you tap into who you are authentically, everything with business is just one step. And then the doors just continue to open and open and open because you’re free to be yourself and share your message to make an impact along the way.

Steve Prussack

Well, that’s a great lesson right there. And people don’t- they’ll look at, “Well, Babette Davis has over a million followers. How can I be more like Babette?” I was guilty that early in my entrepreneur ten years ago, and I’m like, “Well, how do I reach more people? Do I have to be-?” And we kind of, we could start to take on other voices?

Misty Angelique


Steve Prussack

And that is more work.

Misty Angelique

Definitely more work. Because then, you’re putting more work in to try to be something that you’re not, instead of. People connect with real, right? And so because they connect with real, that’s the impact I want to make. And in order to make that impact, I have to be vulnerable enough, which is what authenticity is. I have to be vulnerable enough to share my story, not just the highlights, but the low points, too. So when I go and I post stories about my health, I really, really want women to find themselves somewhere along my journey. Because I guarantee that if everybody did that, we can just give nuggets back to one another to help how we overcame what we went through.

Steve Prussack

I love it. And that’s just such a great lesson for our listeners to learn and something that some of us wish we had early on.

Misty Angelique

Yes, for sure.

Steve Prussack

Because really, when it comes down to the entrepreneurial journey and the work we’re doing, it doesn’t matter how many followers you have.

Misty Angelique

Oh, my gosh.

Steve Prussack

To have a massive impact.

Misty Angelique

That’s it. See, followers, likes is all of a- it’s a vanity metrics. That’s what that is. And for so long, we get caught up into that. I would literally take twelve and have that twelve multiply, then I can care less about the numbers. But Steve, you’re right. To me, it’s about impact and impact equates numbers.

Steve Prussack

And it’s an illusion because some of the biggest influencers pay for their likes. It’s sort of a sickness. So, we don’t have to go down that path because we’re talking about wellness. We’re talking about health. We’re talking about internal and external beauty.

Steve Prussack

We’ve got Misty Angelique here. She’s with Authentically Branded Solutions. She’s on Juice Guru Radio. She’s kicking off the season. And I’m really excited to have her here on the show. And actually, she’s one of our members of Juice Guru Institute, too. How did you come to us? I’d love to hear how we came into your life.

Misty Angelique

It was so divine. And I love this question because- I came to you because I would remember I was on the hunt to really find a holistic approach of healing, right? And so, because I really wanted to heal my body, I was really Googling and researching because I do a lot of marketing within one of my business models as well. Your ads followed me, Steve, and they follow me. So because I was doing-

Steve Prussack

Okay, so the marketing is working over here. Alright. 

Misty Angelique

Your marketing is working that way. Let me tell you, okay? So, I was doing research, and I was doing my own concoctions, even leading my own community with what was working, at the time. But then I said, “Something is off”. And at that time, I came across your ads and I said, “You know what? I think I’m going to jump in. And I’m going to run with this”. And when I came across your beautifully structured process and it was just user-friendly. And I said, “You know, I’m a jump and I’m a jump in.”

Misty Angelique

And I did. And from there, I didn’t really do it, to be honest with you, Steve, for a certification to teach others. To be honest with you, I really did it for me. For me, right? And while doing it for me along the way, this is why- FYI you remember, I was the one who completed your course. I think it’s record time, you commented on my course?

Steve Prussack

Oh is that- what was it? How long did it take you?

Misty Angelique

Oh, it took me not a week’s time? Listen, I dived into it every single day. It was a week all day.

Steve Prussack

Five weeks is the average. So that’s pretty amazing.

Misty Angelique

I’m telling you. Every day, all day, I studied, studied, studied. I read that like the Bible. It was like my Bible for health. And you have phenomenal information in there. The guest speakers, the godfather of the juicing world. It’s just a plethora of information that just took me on a journey, and I stayed there for that whole week. And so from there, I started applying. I started applying right away, and then at that point, it’s history.

Steve Prussack

But you’ve got the credentials now. And you obviously- and then you’ve got the tools we gave you in Mastery. Have you started to dive into that and how you can run your own programs, the “Done For You” programs, and work with clients?

Misty Angelique

Definitely. So what I’ve done was, the tools that you have in there, it’s easily for anyone to just set those things up.

Steve Prussack

And by the way, we’re not doing an infomercial for Juice Guru Institute. I don’t want you to feel like, well you know, I just want you- authentic.

Misty Angelique

Oh no, no, no. I want to really, really bring people into this world. Because for me, I have a marketing background, so I understand how to create everything, the landing pages and all of that. But for someone who really wants to make a business model out of this that’s starting off, you make it so simple, so plain. The steps are laid out. They can even customize it according to their voice, their brand, their message and it’s beautiful. 

Misty Angelique

As for me, I took those nuggets and I just applied it to a lot of my current business models. And that way, it’s just an easy fit that really talks about the authentic body and a lot of courses that I have online helping professional women. So your layout just complimented mine, if that’s okay? And at that point-

Steve Prussack

But now that you’re a Certified Juice Therapist, you’re incorporating this in. What have you done so far? Have you- you know people do a lot of different things in this realm. They’ll write books, they’ll run retreats. They’ll work one on one or in small group or run their own cleanses or whatever it is. What have you done or have you done anything yet? Because you’ve just graduated this year?

Misty Angelique

Yes. That’s a great question. So, Steve, I am still in the wilderness. So let me explain what the wilderness experience is. When I came across your program, I was still healing. And because this has now been at the time of this recording, I’m eight months in, and I’ve done two juice cleanses since I’ve become a Juice Guru Certification participant.

Steve Prussack


Misty Angelique

 And so now, I had to take this time in my life very serious. Because the goals that I have in 2022, I am off and running. Again, because I have a beauty brand and a lot of consulting services, and I do marketing. I haven’t been as involved in social in the last six to eight months, only because I’ve been healing. So I’ve been through numerous healing crisis. I understand what the healing crisis mean.

Misty Angelique

And I really took this time to apply, to build all the curriculum that we’re speaking about right now. And then, I have a goal to launch that at the end of the year going into 2022. My book will also launch. I’m working with a publishing company as we speak. It’s in the second editing process, and it will launch in the first quarter of 2022, as well. We’re looking at February, March. I wanted January, but I think that was my- me being overly ambitious. But yes, I will be launching all of what we’re speaking about next year. 

Steve Prussack

Wow, that is amazing. And you’re balancing the four kids, right?

Misty Angelique

Yes, yes. And a dog.

Steve Prussack

And you’ve got the book and now- wow. It’s a little overwhelming. Whoo. But if we hone it all in and you’re starting with the healing of your own temple, then that’s really the place to start, isn’t it?

Misty Angelique

Yes. And that to me is the most valuable, precious gift that we all have. And sometimes, you can get just so busy with our day-to-day life that we forget what really matters. And that’s why I took this time having a life of serving many. I love serving. But this was the time that I really felt I’m a believer, big in faith, and I really felt this was my time to really get back on track and do what I need to do. 

Steve Prussack

Yeah. No, I love that. Did your dog want to say something?

Misty Angelique

I just had company walk in the door. Steve, I’m so sorry.

Steve Prussack

So really, the juicing- the role of juicing in your life right now is that you’ve done a couple of cleanses, and you’re incorporating this in. And what changes have you noticed since enhancing your life with the magic of juice?

Misty Angelique

Oh, wow. So I can say this being a beauty brand owner, right? Because a lot of times, we’ll focus on products that deals with everything outwardly. But for me, now everything switched. Remember our model and our slogan is “Beauty Beyond The Bottle”, so we focus on inner beauty. What happened was my digestive issues are gone. I don’t suffer with those at all. I also used to wear and I still do just for different recordings and things with makeup, my skin has become like, absolutely flawless. My nails phenomenal. My hair wonderful. It’s just so many benefits.

Misty Angelique

 And I’m talking- I have my staples, right? I have that apple, carrot, beet. And then, I have that pineapple, orange juice, grapefruit. So I have all this vitamin C and I really focused on my issues at that time and I made my own concoctions. And I have my pillars, where I have my greens, and then I have those that focus on hair, skin and nails. But I can tell you that, there’s such a radiance when it comes to juicing, like you feel alive, putting all of those live, alive foods into your body. It’s the best thing ever.

Steve Prussack

That’s amazing. Did you see in the Mastery you’ve got that herbal program about how to use herbs in the juicing?

Misty Angelique

Yes, yes.

Steve Prussack

So that’s another level you can take it to.

Misty Angelique


Steve Prussack

Exciting. So anyway, a little off track, but exciting.

Misty Angelique

That’s okay.

Steve Prussack

I was just thinking about it. Great. And so we’ve talked about what juicing has done for you, we’ve talked about the business, we’ve talked about the journey you’re on. And what I was thinking about was the idea that even though, you know, we’re never at the finish line. We’re never, “I have achieved the ultimate health and now I am the prophet.” You can take your audience on the journey with you, on this healing journey. And it makes you even more attractive as a character.

Steve Prussack

Because it’s like, “Well, all right, Misty is just like me.” And have you used that in your messaging and branding and journey? Because it really is all in one, there’s no finish line. Someone might say, “Oh, I still have a few pounds to lose. Or I’m not the ultimate health. Who am I to speak?” Can you speak to that as a leader now? Because you are a leader in the juice revolution. And thank you for that.

Misty Angelique

Oh no, thank you for providing this way out to be that solution. I really appreciate that. So yes, I have to say that juicing has become a part of my everyday living. And no, I would never say I’m at the end of my journey. I’m just beginning. Like just beginning with the knowledge, the education, the implementation of everything that we’re looking to do when it comes to implementing what I want to do. I juice, Steve, every single day. 90% of my diet is raw. I juice.

Misty Angelique

 That little 10% because there’s a lot going on. Sometimes I may steam or do something else, vegetables. 90% cut out all of animal products, cut out dairy, anything that causes any inflammation in the body. I’m just beginning this. I feel like it is a new beginning. So to bring people on this journey, I’ll never ever- I want to be wise and also gentle. But at the same time, just letting people know as a result of bad habits, unhealthy habits and what that can lead over the years and what it does to your body. I’m just taking people on this journey with me.

Misty Angelique

So, yes, I would definitely pull my audience into this because this is a major pillar in my life and I’ll never go back to what was. Ever.

Steve Prussack

This is going to open up new doors for you. But I’m sure, like when you first found us, there were maybe some fears about- should I sign up? Should I make this investment? What were some of the things that were holding you back?

Misty Angelique

I’ll tell you what the biggest fear was for sure.

Steve Prussack

Was it Steve Prussack? Or you know, tell me.

Misty Angelique

No, no, you’re good. I didn’t read all the writing on the bathroom wall. Trust me, you’re good on that one. Let me tell you what it was because I had candida overgrowth. And for those that don’t know what candida is, that is what we all have in our gut, and it works. But it doesn’t work as well when it’s overgrown and it’s systematic like that’s, what was going on. It was systemic at that point for me. And traditional medicine said, no fruits, no fruits, no fruits. Stay away from fruits. 

Misty Angelique

Well, when I just went a little deeper in my research, I realized that that is not the case. Fruit actually is one of the best detoxification things that you could ever do. My biggest fear, Steve, was oh my gosh, there’s so much sugar. I don’t know if I want to put that much in my body. And I can tell you that in your Juicing Certification Program, I understood the importance of detoxing with fruit and rebuilding with vegetables. And now I’m telling you, I can’t get enough of fruits and I have no adverse effect. Actually, I feel better.

Misty Angelique

And I’ll add this, too. Because I cut fruits out of my diet, the first two years of my health crisis, my body was depleted of a lot of things that I needed, where I actually went to get some vitamin injections because I was depleted in certain things. And now my blood work is perfect, and I feel it in my energy level. So that was my biggest fear. It was consuming too much fruit because of the myth behind sugars and fruit.

Steve Prussack

So really, you did come out the other end transformed in a lot of different ways.

Misty Angelique

Totally. One thousand positive.

Steve Prussack

That’s exciting. And so, let’s talk a little more about the future plans of where the big vision or where you want to take all this. We don’t have to say the goal, but what’s the ideal? The vision board. The thing we’re going to put out into the universe right now and say, “God, this is where Misty Angelique is going with all this.” What’s the vision?

Misty Angelique

Well, I can tell you this. There are some times and seasons in our lives where the vision is a little bit fuzzy. That is not the case for me now. This whole fasting journey has made things extremely clear. Again, I didn’t understand the importance of my message until I had to be the forerunner to deliver this message to the world. So my vision of what I see, that’s extremely clear, I’ve already built out, so I have an ABI. It’s Authentic Balance Institute, okay? So I am having a whole online course that deals with the holistic approach with us as women.

Misty Angelique

And again, it’s those four pillars that I talk about constantly when it comes to our body, our health, our relationship and our businesses. And so at the end of all of that, what I’m going to do and I’m proclaiming this on the Juice Guru Institute podcast is that-

Steve Prussack

Let’s do it. 

Misty Angelique

 At the end of all of this, that I want people transform authentically in such a big way that their whole life is going to be transformed because I understand the power in authenticity. Authenticity is our legacy. And you cannot deal with one part of the body or the mind or the soul and the spirit without dealing with all of them, because that comprises of our total existence. That’s what I’m proclaiming. 

Steve Prussack

I love it. And one of the first things people are going to need to do is the soul searching to find out who am I really? You know, behind the onion.  You know, get to the heart of it, right?

Misty Angelique

Yes. And that’s one of the things that I’m important- I make important as a pillar, Steve. Because if you don’t know who you are- this is where Dr. Myles Monroe. I love he uses this analogy. And if you don’t know who you are, you will abuse it. And unfortunately, we’ve abused a lot. We’ve abused our mind, we’ve abused our soul, we’ve abused our body. We’ve abused so much because we didn’t understand who we are.

Misty Angelique

When you tap into that level of clarity that juicing provides- and that’s just one aspect. I can have just one book on what juicing does with you, spiritually speaking, and then just connecting to who you are. But that’s so important. And we start off identifying what that is and what we’re supposed to do. And how do they cultivate that to figure out what their purpose is.

Steve Prussack

And is that book you’re working on is that going to be on the four pillars? 

Misty Angelique


Steve Prussack

Because it seems like each pillar can be a book, too. What do they call it? Not a trilogy, but when you have a series or whatever.

Misty Angelique

Series. Yeah, yeah. And it’s funny that you say that because my editor said that. Because I’m like, “Oh, I want to do this. I want to do this.” And she said, “Misty, trust me. No, hold off. You don’t need to do that, because all of these can turn in-” and I’m like, “Okay.” But that book is to really tap into where they are right now. And you know, Steve-

Steve Prussack

That’s right.

Misty Angelique

I know that I will be used to push people in the right direction, but at the end of that, they have to be their own guru. That’s our job.

Steve Prussack

That’s right.

Misty Angelique

They have to see that they have to do the work.

Steve Prussack

And that you have to realize, all of us, that we speak to one thing. Because you have so many things you can help them with to overcome and evolve, but it’s over- you have to use one thing in your marketing and in your message. You know that as a marketer, right?

Misty Angelique

Yes. Definitely.

Steve Prussack

The one thing authenticity. Is that the hook we can say?

Misty Angelique

Oh, definitely. There’s no doubt about it. It’s authenticity. And that’s a course, just by itself. Because once you tap into that, then all the other rounds start opening up.

Steve Prussack

I love it. It’s unique. It’s different. And you are the one to lead the way on that.

Misty Angelique

Thank you.

Steve Prussack

Let me ask you, how do our listeners follow you and the great work you’re doing? Are you on Instagram or what’s the best way?

Misty Angelique

Yes. So I am Misty Angelique on all social platforms. So they can find me @mistyangelique. I also have a goodies to give away.

Steve Prussack

Okay. Yey, okay let’s do it.

Steve Prussack

A couple of goodies. So they can go to I also have a free e-book for them to download because I feel that habits- if you can just get a hold of habits and just start consciously making them aware of what you used to do versus what you’re trying to do, I think that by itself could change the nature of their life. So they can grab a free copy there and then just find me on all social channels @mistyangelique for any additional questions.

Steve Prussack

Thank you for coming to the table prepared with an opt-in gift. That’s really smart. Because of course, you guys are going to want to follow. Misty. This is amazing. And we’ll have the show notes up at So you can find all the links and good stuff. We’ll even have a link to the video, so you can see her in her amazing, beautiful presence.

Steve Prussack

What’s your send-off message that you’d like to leave with our listeners, though? We’ve covered a lot here and you’ve got me on fire. So I’m sure that’s contagious. Everyone’s feeling the vibe. Anything we didn’t touch on or anything else you want to share?

Misty Angelique

No. If there’s anything that I would like for a send-off message is that, whatever is tugging at you, it’s time. And so our bodies, they want to change. Our bodies are a beautiful message and a gift to the world. So just be gentle with yourself and just know that it’s not too late for whatever is tugging at you. Just be gentle with your self. Patience. A lot of which is talked about in that habits book. It’s going to show you exactly how to get started and where to go. So that’s what I would like to leave with your listeners.

Steve Prussack

She’s Misty Angelique here on Juice Radio Radio. A Certified Juice Therapist and amazing healer. Thank you for being on the show, Misty. It’s been an honor.

Misty Angelique

Thank you for having me, Steve. I appreciate it.

Steve Prussack

I’m Steve Prussack. Juice Guru Radio. Thank you and we’ll see you next time.


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