Badass Juicing Mom Starts a Juice Revolution

On this episode of Juice Guru Radio, Steve chats with Evie Kevish, Certified Juice Therapist and coach. Highlights include:

  • Evie’s story of discovering juicing and the changes it brought to her life
  • What inspired Evie to become a Certified Juice Therapist through Juice Guru Institute
  • Why Evie is passionate about empowering women to live a high-vibe lifestyle
  • Evie’s promotion on the Jimmy Kimmel Show and how appearing as a joke actually changed her life for the better
  • How Evie balances being a badass mom with taking care of herself and building a business

About the guest: 

Evie Kevish is a Certified Juice Therapist who discovered the power of juicing after having two children in two years and breastfeeding them both. Once she saw how juicing could change her life and body from the inside out, Evie completed the Juice Guru Certification Program. She launched a successful therapist and coaching business, where she empowers women to prioritize their health. When she’s not helping women all over the world unleash the power of juicing and a plant-based lifestyle, you can find Evie doing back squats to banging techno beats in her garage gym and taking care of her beautiful family. 


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Steve Prussack

Welcome to another edition of Juice Guru Radio. I’m your host, Steve Prussack. We’ve got Evie Kevish coming up right after this. She’s incredible Certified Juice Therapist. Badass Mom. She’s going to be with us on the show. I’ve been wanting her for a long time, so stay tuned. Coming up right now, we’ve got Evie Kevish.

Steve Prussack

And welcome back to the show. I’m your host, Steve. It couldn’t be more exciting to have Evie Kevish. She’s a Certified Juice Therapist. I said, badass mom dedicated to helping women feel healthy and confident. She’s doing incredible work in the world. I loved her segment on Jimmy Kimmel Live. Evie Kevish, welcome to Just Guru Radio.

Evie Kevish

Thank you so much for having me, Steve. I’m so honored to be here today.

Steve Prussack

Well, I had to bring up your segment. You’ve been on national TV. You are recognized worldwide. You really are an up-and-coming huge celebrity, like I knew you would be.

Evie Kevish

Thank you.

Steve Prussack

Anyway, thank you for being here. I’m just really excited. So take us back. Let’s talk about the journey, first of all. We can talk about health. We can talk about this decision to try to work your way out of corporate America. But let’s talk about health. What were some of the challenges that led to you discovering juice, healthier eating and all that?

Evie Kevish

Okay. So I had two kids in two years, and it was very hard on my body. I’ve always been athletic and worked out. But having two kids back-to-back really did a number on me. In addition to that, I am a supernatural, holistic, healthy mama, so I knew I was going to breastfeed my children. And I breastfed both of them past two-and-a-half-years old. So, it was very hard for me to lose weight while I was breastfeeding because I was so hungry and thirsty all the time.

Evie Kevish

So, I started to explore a little bit and see like, I was transitioning from vegetarian and kind of looking at vegan stuff. So what really got me into it was fruit, at first with smoothies. So I went from eating eggs and avocado toast every day for breakfast to smoothies. And it was like amazing. I felt really good, full, and I was craving them a lot. So then the power of social media, you use it the right way. I started following people that were doing smoothies, juices and stuff like that.

Evie Kevish

And I really did not know anything about juices at all. But I just kept seeing them. And the colors of the juices, and it just intrigued me so much. And I was like, “Gosh, I really want to learn more about this.” I started with just a blender. And I just tried to juice some pineapple and use like, a regular strainer. And I did that at first, and I was like, “Man, this is pretty good.” So then I decided to get a juicer and it was just kind of like, just a regular- nothing special. I was like, “I’m just going to buy this, just to see if I like it and try it.”

Evie Kevish

So then, I started I did my first juice cleanse in January of 2020. And I was actually really shocked because I was like, “I don’t know if I can do this.” Because I’ve never done anything like this before. But I felt so good afterwards. I was like, “What is this?” That was when it really took off for me because I was like, “Okay, I want to start learning about juice. I feel good. I’m starting to lose weight. I have great energy. So let me see what’s out there.” And then I was eager to learn more, and then that’s how I found the Juice Guru Institute.

Steve Prussack

Oh, my gosh.

Evie Kevish


Steve Prussack

So really, it was your own experience with it. You started with the smoothies and you’re like, “We’ll take the fiber out and try juicing.” I’m not sure why, but it just kind of appealed to you?

Evie Kevish

Yes, it did. And I was thinking about like, “What is it that I’m going to be able to have, that is still going to make me feel good and full?” And then I was thinking to myself, “Can juice really do that?” Because I was thinking about the fiber being out. I’m like, “I won’t feel as full, whatever.” But actually, when I started doing and implementing it more, “I was like, yeah, I’m feeling more energized, more alive. This is amazing.” The proof is in the pudding. I mean, once you start doing it, you know. You can tell for sure.

Steve Prussack

So, you did that first juice cleanse. And how long was that? What was that experience like? When you realize, “Well, I guess I’m not going to starve to death here.”

Evie Kevish

Yes. So I did it for four days, and it was very hard. The first one, I’m not going to lie. Because I think my mindset was in that mind frame of like, “Okay, this is the time I have my smoothie at like 8 or 9 in the morning. Then I have my lunch, then maybe a snack and then dinner.” So my mind was there psychologically but then the juice was keeping me full. So I felt okay like, the first two days. But then by day three, I was like, “Man, I’m really kind of hungry.”

Evie Kevish

And then by day four, I was really hungry. And I was like, “Okay, I think my body is telling me this is enough.” But I knew that something was happening because I was definitely getting some of the cleansing symptoms and feeling all of that as well. But at the same time, I was feeling really good. So I was like, “Okay, something is going on here.” And then I wanted to share that with my family. So I was like, maybe get my husband and kids involved as well.

Steve Prussack

So you started juicing for the family?

Evie Kevish

Oh, yeah. They’re all on it. Everyone has juice every day. That’s the rule in our house. But for anything else, juice is number one.

Steve Prussack

So during the cleanse, were you doing fruit juices? Were you doing the green juice? Like what were some of those initial or what are some of your favorite blends?

Evie Kevish

Yeah. So on the cleanse, I was doing more mono juices. Fruit for sure. So I was doing pineapple. I think I did one. Well, this one not mono juice, but I did like a pineapple, mango, carrot. That was one and then just kind of basics. I didn’t really know too much. And was kind of like learning the ropes there. But now that I’ve been into it and know how to do it and everything, I would say definitely one of my top favorites and is a good cleanser is grape, apple, lemon. That one I feel is very strong and potent and definitely a good cleanser.

Evie Kevish

I also love black grape, pineapple and ginger. That’s another one of my favorites. And then, over the past year, really been getting into more of the herbs. And I love celery, basil, cucumber and keep it all green, green apple. And I mean, that is just phenomenal to me. So I love having strong, cold herbs in their. Cilantro and basil are definitely my favorite.

Steve Prussack

I love it. And so, it’s opened up a new culinary world, but also some of the benefits. So when you started the cleansing and incorporating it, what were some of the positive changes you saw?

Evie Kevish

I would say definitely a huge boost in my energy, for sure. And then just feeling alive and energized. I wake up at 4:07 a.m., Monday through Friday because I work out in the morning. And to be able to have that energy to get up and to work out, and lift really heavy weights. People are like, “How do you do that?” And I’m like, “Well, it didn’t just happen overnight. Like, this has been a long time. And my body is used to this now.”

Evie Kevish

But just knowing- like I said, I’m feeling less bloated. My skin was getting clearer. My hair was feeling really good, healthy. And then, just having energy to be with my kids and then just to feel good overall. It’s a mind-body-spirit thing. Like you feel very good. It’s coming out of you. It’s like you’re happy. Because you’re filled with biophotons and phytonutrients that are giving you energy. Natural, good energy. So that’s what makes me feel good.

Steve Prussack

Well, you really sound like a Certified Juice Therapist.

Evie Kevish


Steve Prussack

You must be. Where was that spark that led to, “Okay, now I’m going to try to show people another way.” Because the entrepreneurial path is the path less traveled and I know you already know that. That it’s got the ups and downs. And this is a journey, of course. What actually led to that decision, though?

Evie Kevish

So for me, as I was sharing my juicing journey on social media, so many people, so many people kept asking me and inquiring me about, “How do you do this? What does it do, this and that?” And I was telling my husband, “There’s got to be a way or something, where I can figure out that I can use this to help people.” So that’s when I found the Juice Guru Institute and I was like, “I need to do this because I want to figure out a way to help people with juice and understand.”

Evie Kevish

And the more that you really educate yourself and dive into this lifestyle, and understand the differences between being alkaline and acidic, and how juices can heal the body if you create the right environment for it. Using juicing as a medicinal modality for people. That was what really got me. Because I’m like, “There’s so many people out here with all of these ailments and sickness and disease.” And it’s like, “If you just knew there’s a simple way, there’s a much simpler way.” But we’re so programmed and brainwashed into the Western society type of thinking with the overeating, the medication. I always tell people it’s like, “We’re over medicated and undereducated.” Truly, because people don’t know and understand and realize there’s so many ways that you can live a healthier, better life. But they’re just not aware of it.

Evie Kevish

And when I talk to people about raw foods and juice, they’re interested and they want to do it. But they’re like, “Well, I don’t know how to do it. I’m afraid.” So I’m like, “Well, let me show you.” That’s why I share on social media, free recipes, free tips and things like that to encourage people to try it, to get motivated. And then from there, hopefully make some type of impact on them to help them transition into a healthier lifestyle.

Steve Prussack

Yeah, I remember because I do some of the discovery calls. We’ve got a team that does them. But I was lucky to be able to connect with you. And you did have some hesitations, though, before jumping in, didn’t you?

Evie Kevish

Yeah. I was a little hesitant, for sure. Because honestly, I was like, “Well, is this a real thing?” I’m like, “Is it really like, are people into this?” And then I’m like, in my mind, I’m looking at like, “Okay. Well, this is an accredited certification. It’s from the CMA.” So I’m like, these are good things. And I feel that that’s definitely good value to bring people into your business. But yeah, I was afraid at first. I was like, “Well if I do this, how will I do it? What would I do with it?”

Evie Kevish

And I feel like, maybe in the beginning, a lot of people feel like that. But once you start doing it and get in your groove, and it’s like the paths just open up. The universe brings you the right people, the right place, the right time. And all these things come into alignment. And then, as I started doing more, sharing more and putting in the work, I just see more people coming like, “Help me, what can I do?” And that’s what I’m all about. It’s to inspire, educate and motivate people on the power of natural healing, holistic health, and the power of juice.

Steve Prussack

Yeah. And you’re pretty new, right. When did you finish the program? It’s been…

Evie Kevish

Just a little over a year. Last September was when I graduated.

Steve Prussack


Evie Kevish

Yes, I graduated in September. And then I started my business in November. So, just over a year now.

Steve Prussack

When you came in and obviously you were enhanced in learning more, therapeutically, about how to use juicing and maybe it took you from a different point. But also the business part, right? Did you find that some ideas were sparked as you went through the program on what you could do as a practitioner?

Evie Kevish

Absolutely. Yes. As I went through the modules, I felt like there was different- I was taking notes here and there and then thinking, “Okay. Well, I’ll do this. And then I’ll do that.” And writing all these things down, and trying to figure out what exactly what I was going to do. And initially, I was going to have it called E3 Juice because Evie, Eliana, Elexia, those are my daughters. So I was going to do that and then, just sell juices. But as I started going on the path more and learning through all the modules, I was like, “Okay, well, there’s other ways that I can do this. And then I can do juices as part of my business model. But that’ll be integrated later.”

Evie Kevish

So I was thinking, “What can I do right now to help people?” And then that really brought me into the coaching part of it. And then, also doing guests speaking at presentations, conferences and things like that. So, that is something I felt like was good for me now. Because I know that it would be so awesome to own a juice bar. But I was like, during COVID and I was thinking owning a brick and mortar and trying to do that.

Evie Kevish

I didn’t want to do that, initially because I was like, “I don’t know about the state of the world right now.” But now that I have my groove and I know what I’m doing. And I was actually approached by someone that owns a juice bar. They want to work with me. I’m working with another juice bar. So, that’s what I’m saying. The right people, the right places and time. All of these things come together. The more that you put yourself out there. And one of my juice clients, actually, she told me she was like, “Hey, there’s a juice bar in my town that opened up.”

Evie Kevish

She talked to the manager there. She’s like, “You have to talk to my juice therapist. She’s amazing.” I talked with the manager and then, him and I have been working together ever since. So yeah.

Steve Prussack

So it’s funny. I remember that conversation of like, you weren’t sure if you were going to make the juices or maybe become a holistic health coach influencer or what, right? Because there’s a lot of opportunity. But I remember telling you, “You want to pick one to start, though.” To do both, I think would have been a lot for you. But you don’t have to feel bad about bragging. I mean, there’s been a lot of doors opening and things happening. Do you want to share some of- in just a year, I know that you’re working on a project with publisher and things. Do you want to talk about some of the other things that are happening now?

Evie Kevish

Yeah. So, I’ve been very blessed with a lot of amazing opportunities. And I truly believe, that it’s because of my hard work and the things that I’ve done. I just recently given a presentation, a first in-person presentation two weeks ago. And it was amazing. There was quite a few people there. And just really educate people again on the power of juice and give them like, kind of juicing basics 101. I’ve done talks for high school students. I’ve been brought into high schools to talk about juicing and to get teenagers on board with that.

Evie Kevish

And there was actually a lot of good questions from the teenage crowd. I was shocked and surprised that they were actually open to it. In addition to that, I did some podcast. So a couple of weeks ago, I filmed a podcast with South Florida Vegans. They have a huge following down there. And they’re really integrated within the Miami community and a lot of Hispanic and Black people that are vegan and really getting out there to help educate them. I’ve done a lot of IGTV lives with several holistic practitioners.

Evie Kevish

I’ve been picked up by some other people to do just juicing presentations or give talks with them. So that’s good. I’ve been approached also to write a book, as well. So I’m going to start working.

Steve Prussack

Hey, I think it’s a great idea, by the way.

Evie Kevish

Yes. I am so excited about this. And yeah, I’ve just been busting my butt. And putting in the work and just keep striving to get out there. And at the end of the day, it’s just like if this book comes out and someone says, “That girl, help me understand and realize…” That’s what it’s all about to me. I want someone to heal and be like, “I never knew that this is the way.” So really just educate other people. And as you put in the work, more opportunities will come.

Steve Prussack

And I never said to you, “This is a get-rich-quick scheme.” I said-

Evie Kevish

You did. No, I was kidding.

Steve Prussack

It’s about doing meaningful work. And breaking away from the pack and talking about things that people aren’t talking about. And especially in a world run by pharmaceuticals, you’re talking about a natural solution. And so that can bring with it- the road less traveled, especially as an entrepreneur. So congratulations on that.

Evie Kevish

Thank you. Appreciate that.

Steve Prussack

I don’t know where I’m going with that. I just wanted to congratulate you on that.

Evie Kevish

With the road less traveled, with that, I would chime in on that. So what Steve was saying, yes, there’s been a lot of amazing opportunities. But at the same time, if you are a Natural Holistic Practitioner, there are people that attack you, as well. So a couple of months ago, I was approached by some reporters from The Washington Post. They wanted to interview me about a shirt that I had on, and it said, “Vaccines are poison.” And that’s my belief and I don’t press that on anyone. This is America. Where we can all have our own beliefs and decisions or whatever.

Evie Kevish

And they wanted to ask me about that. And I chose to not engage with them on that because I did not want to get involved with that. And I just really didn’t want to open that can of worms. Well, I never responded. And then, they sent more emails to me and they said they were going to publish this article. The article came out. And to be honest with you, it was quite shocking.

Evie Kevish

I was not prepared to deal with that level of people that just came out of the woodwork. My website was inundated with hate mail. Social media was inundated with trolls. And I told my husband, “If I was not physically and mentally strong, like this could have really taken me down.” I mean, it was very harsh. Like people were saying, “I hope you and your family die. I hope you get COVID.” It was brutal. It was one thing that went with it.

Evie Kevish

And then right after that, I found out that I was on the Jimmy Kimmel show. I woke up to more emails, and then I was like, “What?” I’m calling my brother. I’m like, “Can you find this video and send it to me? Like, I haven’t even seen it. I don’t know what’s going on.” So something that was supposed to be negative, actually turned into a positive. And I obtained a lot more clients from that. I actually got a girl from the UK that was a bodybuilder, said she saw me on there.

Evie Kevish

There was plenty of people that came to me that were like, “Oh, I found you because of Jimmy Kimmel. So glad we’re on the same page.” So, something that was supposed to be negative and trying to tear me down was actually, really good for me. And I’m very thankful for that happening. Because it actually helped boost my business. So thank you to the reporters and thank you to Jimmy Kimmel.

Steve Prussack

Well, I remember thinking that when we first talked about it. And I saw that, I was like, they always say, “No publicity is bad.” Even bad publicity is good. It’s exposure. You’re going to see- and I don’t think you’ve seen the end results of it yet. It’s going to continue. And it’s up there on YouTube, and there’s always reruns. And so you’re going to keep reaping the benefits of what they tried. There’s always like you say, “Two sides to every story”, and it’s sad that the other side of the coin can’t really be talked about without being ripped apart. It’s really unfortunate, we can say.

Steve Prussack

But we’re talking about a natural solution with juicing. We’re saying, “You can build your immunity. You can get stronger and all these things with juicing and healthy living.” And you’ve got a lot of different things in your toolbox, right? Between exercise and your eating- so, you’re eating a plant-based diet on top of it all now, too?

Evie Kevish

Yes. Absolutely. So, I became vegan on my 40th birthday. I’m 42 now. And really over the past nine months, I’ve really been transitioning more into raw vegan. And I’ve noticed a huge difference within my body, as well. I feel so, so good. Juicing, eating raw foods, and doing intermittent fasting. It works for me. And like I tell people, “What works for me might not work for you and vice versa. But you have to try and see.”  And I started doing intermittent fasting. It’ll be two years next month. And I do 16/8, minimum.

Evie Kevish

And then from there, I do my juices. And then I’ll do raw foods and I still have cooked vegan food, here and there. But for the most part, I do eat mostly raw. And I can tell like, no bloating. I feel like a light being. I feel very good, fully energized. And then sometimes it just amazes me, because I’ll make a huge salad for dinner. And then it’s like, I get full. I’m like, “How do you get full on salad?”

Evie Kevish

But that’s what I’m saying. It’s like, all these things are so good. And you have a salad mixed with romaine, mixed greens, cilantro, and I make my own carrot meat. And then all the stuff that you put on there, homemade dressing, bell pepper dressing. And understanding how the power of raw foods, really combined with the juicing. It’s like, “Man, I feel like I’m a freaking real superstar now.”

Steve Prussack

Yeah. That’s why we say, “Small changes, one step at a time.” You were doing smoothies, you brought in some juice,. You start craving more of the healthier foods and just maybe nudging out some of the things that weren’t serving you. They realize they don’t have to deal with- your clients, for example, they realize they don’t have to do this overnight, right? You’re taking them on a journey?

Evie Kevish

Yes. So, I actually just had a client call earlier, and we were talking about that. How the more that the healthier that you eat, how much your palate changes. In addition to that, the neurons in your brain- you think about the serotonin levels from the foods that you eat. And then understanding- like I was telling her, “The less that you’re eating junk and acidic foods, when that leaves the bloodstream, you’re not craving those things as much. You’re actually craving. “I want green juice or I want a green salad and it looks good. It smells good. It tastes good.”

Evie Kevish

So understanding that truly, when you change your palette, you change your life. And that came from one of my modules. And I know, and that is the God’s honest truth. Because it all goes hand in hand. You’re going to feel good, you’re going to look good. And overall, you’re just going to have this vibe and energy. Because what’s coming in, is coming out. You feel good. You look good. Like I said, you’re filling yourself up with such amazing, healthy things that you’re so alkaline. You feel good, you’re (not) healthy. You have energy. So it’s a win-win.

Steve Prussack

Yeah. They always said, “You are what you eat.” So they were trying to tell us this in so many ways. I mean, do we want to eat- do we want to be a cow? For example.

Steve Prussack

Let’s talk about division, though. Where do you want to take it all? What do you see for Evie Kevish, Certified Juice Therapist? The brand of where you’re going with it all. Do you still have the idea of doing a juice delivery, juice truck or juice bar? Or are you looking to continue the path of influencer, rockstar TV personality, all those things? Where do you want to go with it all, though?

Evie Kevish

Yeah. So right now, I want to keep doing what I’m doing. Like keeping my services online. I’m not attached to any type of brick and mortar. I am definitely going to be selling juices. I’m going to incorporate that into my business as well. I’ve met with a couple of white label vendors, just to kind of see how that process works. I would love to make the juice myself. But I don’t have the time, right now, being a mom and doing all that. So, definitely doing that.

Evie Kevish

I’m also doing retreats. Speaking at retreats, hosting retreats to let people know and get educated on juicing, how to do it, taste the juice. And then really, just make an impact and show people, especially women. Really my target audiences is moms and women, to understand that you can feel this good, and you can look this good, and you can have this energy. But you have to put in the work. And so many people are like, “Well, I don’t want to make the juice.” Well, then how are you going to make changes and feel good if you don’t want to put in effort?

Evie Kevish

It’s like the juice is the answer. So, I really see myself continually educating people on the power of juice and really traveling to spread the message. People will book me for seminars or conferences. And I’ll get up there and get my presentation and show people and help people. And then in turn, hopefully, they’ll come to me, learn how to detox the proper way. And then let me show you how to do juices and how juice can help you.

Steve Prussack

Yeah. And this really could be it. There doesn’t really need to be more. You can build a hugely successful career on that alone. But it’s not all golden roses and butterflies, when we’re taking the entrepreneurial path. I don’t know where I got that. But what are some of the challenges in this entrepreneurial journey? You’re balancing a lot, right?

Evie Kevish

I am. Yes. I work full time, I’m a mom. I’m doing my juice business. And it is a lot. And you really have to be disciplined and organized and I am in every area of my life. But I will tell you initially, I was thinking that I’m going to come out the gate and all this business is going to come to me and stuff. And it doesn’t work like that. It takes time. You have to build brand awareness and understand and put yourself out there. So people know now that yes, I’m an expert in juicing. I am a Certified Juice Therapist.

Evie Kevish

So when they think of Evie Kevish, they think of juice. And if they want to find something out, they’re going to come to me to get the information. Or they’re going to go to my social media to look something up. And understanding that it is work. Like I said, thinking of your brand. How is your brand going to look? What is the message that you’re conveying? And then understanding the work that goes into it. My Instagram is my main business tool, and it’s a lot of work.

Evie Kevish

I do five posts a week. I have to create the content for those posts. Write the post out, do all the hashtags, figure out the timing. So that’s part a big thing. Then blogs for my website, scheduling the e-blast out. And these things take time. It’s a lot of time, effort. And in addition to that, studying. Even though I’m done with my courses, I still research and educate. I’m always learning about how the body works and different other holistic practitioners. What can I learn from them?

Evie Kevish

So really, I went from watching TV and doing all this stuff at night, to no more TV in the night time. It’s focused on the juice business and that’s what I’m doing. So every night in my free time, I’m actually working on my juicing business. Whether it’s reading a book about juicing, writing website blogs or watching tutorials or whatever it is. But I put in the work because I know it has to be done. And I want it bad. So I just continue to do it.

Evie Kevish

And as I do it, more things are coming to me. So that’s the reward. It’s like you got to be disciplined to get the reward. And then the daily habits are what makes the key to your success. So doing these things and implementing this, is what helps me continue to grow my business. My database is growing every week. Last night, I was working on my e-blast for next week, and then I saw I had more subscribers. And then, I actually have a lot of people from other countries that reach out to me as well.

Evie Kevish

I got an email this morning that came in from Africa, a woman in Nigeria. A lot of people in Africa are into juicing. I have a lot of people in Nigeria that are in my page and always ask me about it. But yeah, so just putting in the work and then knowing that it’s going to pay off. Because I know I have what it takes and I’m going to continue to do it till I get there.

Steve Prussack

Awesome. Yeah and that is the lesson, too. It’s the focus. It’s putting the energy in. But then you see the reward. You see the doors opening. And it’s the networking, the people that you bring into your life that’s going to lead to something else. But it’s true, the universe will test you to make sure that this is what you really want to do. And you’ll have the downtime. It’s the entrepreneurial roller coaster. You’re going to hit the peaks and valleys, but keep going. All I can say is, keep on track and just keep doing what you’re doing because it’s amazing. And you’re reaching a lot of people already. And it’s just going to get bigger and bigger.

Steve Prussack

So how can our listeners find you and follow the work you’re doing? I know you’ve got a website.

Evie Kevish

Yes. So you guys can check out my website. It’s my name And then in addition to that, you can follow me on Instagram. Same thing, @eviekevish. And then also, if you guys ever have any questions or anything, feel free. There’s a link on my website where you can shoot me an email. And then, send me a message on Instagram or anything like that. I’m always here for you. I’m here to help anyone.

Steve Prussack

Awesome. And anything to say in closing? Anything we didn’t touch on that you wanted to share or what’s your final message to our listeners today?

Evie Kevish

So, I want you guys to know that if you change your palette, you will change your life for sure. And knowing that you can do it. It’s a slow process and it takes time. But if you put it in the work, you can get there and you can feel good and have the energy that you want and need so bad. So there’s a whole other way of life, that you probably don’t know about. And I’m the one that can show you the way. So come to me.

Steve Prussack

I recommend her. She’s Evie Kevish, Certified Juice Therapist. Evie, thank you for being here and the amazing work you’re doing. And I’m really glad to work with you. So thanks for being here.

Evie Kevish

Of course. Thank you so much, Steve. I truly appreciate it.

Steve Prussack

I’m Steve Prussack and we’ll see you next time.


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