Blast Your Social Media with Chef Babette

Blast Your Social Media

On this episode of Juice Guru Radio for entrepreneurs, Chef Babette Davis shared with us her wisdom on veganism, running a health and wellness business, and more. Highlights include:

  • The story of how Babette’s childhood, particularly the foods she ate, shaped her health
  • Babette’s introduction to veganism and how it changed her life forever
  • The founding and opening of “Stuff I Eat” and how it transformed her life
  • Babette’s words of advice to anyone looking to build a business or kickstart a lifestyle change
  • What’s on the horizon for this very young 71-year-old

About the guest:

Babette Davis is a renowned vegan chef and restaurant owner of “Stuff I Eat” in Inglewood, California. After being introduced to the vegan lifestyle at age 40 by now-husband Rondall, Babette experienced such a profound shift in health that she felt compelled to share it with the world. Today, Babette runs her popular restaurant in an underserved area, is a social media icon with over 170,000 Instagram followers, and inspires others around the world to make the change to a vegan lifestyle. Babette has appeared on numerous television shows, including “The Chew” and “Home and Family.” She’s currently working on a video project aimed at sharing more about healthy lifestyle choices. 

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Juice Guru’s Certified Juice Therapist program:

Chef Babette’s website:

“Fit For Life’ by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond:

“Mucusless Diet Healing System” by Arnold Ehret:

Chef Babette

And that is why I say, Steve, ‘It’s all in what you desire. It’s what all what you see for yourself.’ That so much is manifested and I know you know exactly what I’m talking about.


(Announcer) Welcome to Juice Guru Radio for entrepreneurs. Firestart your own health movement. And now your host, founder of Juice Guru Institute and bestselling author, Steve Prussack.

Steve Prussack

And welcome to Juicingpreneur Radio. I’m your host, Steve. It’s so exciting. We got Chef Babette, a good friend of ours here at Juice Guru. She’s a world-class healthy chef, fitness expert and motivational speaker. She runs a successful restaurant ‘Stuff I Eat’ in downtown Inglewood, California. And she’s become a leader in the health revolution, inspiring thousands all over the world. She’s the author of ‘Cash In On Cashews.’ The upcoming book, ‘Stuff I Eat.’ Gonna hold her to it and contributed pulp recipes to our book, Juice Guru.

Steve Prussack

And that’s right. She’s a Certified Juice Guru Therapist, a true juicingpreneur. Welcome to the show right now, Chef Babette.

Chef Babette

Hi Steve. How are you and how is everyone out there?

Steve Prussack

Ah Babette, I’m so excited to talk to you because I’ve been able to see your growth in the last ten years. We’ve been friends ten years, and I’ve been able to see you evolve into the firestarter in the movement. So, thank you for being with us.

Chef Babette

Yeah. Thank you, sweetheart. Its so wonderful to be here. And one quick correction, the new book is called, ‘Stuff Your Stuff.’

Steve Prussack

Well, I’m excited really to talk to you about your journey towards becoming a firestarter in the plant-based and juicing movement. And your upbringing and how it all started for you and how you went down this path. Do you want to take us back?

Chef Babette

Sure. It’d be my pleasure. I love sharing. I don’t know if you saw my post today, but maybe if you’re on Instagram you saw it, but it was all about what you consider as gifts. And I was able to share that, even though I came from such, you know, people would say humble beginnings to be here right now is just- I understand that everything that I experienced to this point has been a gift. No matter how horrible it was at that time, I consider it a gift, because now I’m able to share and perhaps change lives just to me sharing my journey.

Chef Babette

So, born in 1950. Well, my mother wasn’t single at the time, but we didn’t have a lot of money. She was a domestic worker, and she did the best she could with what she had. I can remember maybe about three houses before we finally, moved to the house that I consider growing up in. But, you know, standard American diet. Lots of sugar, lots and lots of dyes and fat. We were still eating chitterlings, back then. So, needless to say, I had eczema, asthma. I had the worst-, Steve, I had the worst teeth ever. Oh my gosh.

Steve Prussack

What is that chitten- is that pig fat?

Chef Babette

Yeah, it’s intestines. It’s pig intestine. We cleaned them and we ate- we boil them. And we would boil them until so much of the fat would go away, that’s the way my mother handled it. Now some people boil it one time and give it to you. And it was just this greasy, disgusting mess. But my mother would boil it over and over again so that it wasn’t so much. She would boil and then allow it to cool and skim the fat off and boil again. And then finally, she would season it all up and it wasn’t- it didn’t have as much cholesterol in it.

Chef Babette

But it’s disgusting, Steve. It’s somebody’s intestines. Anyway, so I had these horrible earache, horrible teeth. I was always having aching ears and aching mouth. And I was full of eczema, until to the point that kids would be outside my house at night, boys in particular, they made this disgusting song up about me, about me and my eczema. It was horrible. So, I had a miserable time as a kid and then not being able to breathe because of the asthma. So, it was rough.

Chef Babette

And then, not only that, my mother had to board us out. So, I had to live with other people. Now the one person that I lived with was actually a Seventh-day Adventist, and they were vegetarians. But it was a lot of frozen canned food. It was disgusting, overcooked, you know, just weird, not highly nutritious. Because we weren’t getting that much live food. But it wasn’t animal flesh. And so that was like, the first time that I ate food that didn’t consist of meat.

Chef Babette

But I was going through of the changes with this lady. She was like, really cool. So I had a lot of emotional and physical challenges as a kid. Finally, as a young adult, I’m still going through some changes. That’s when I started having digestive issues. And, you know, I couldn’t use the bathroom. So I was always clogged up. This is horrible. And I think about that, terrible. But you know, it’s what people go through, Steve. It’s exactly what people go through. And not enough movement. Even though I was a very athletic kid, I never joined the track team at my high school and just never- never did a lot.

Chef Babette

Just wasn’t motivated to do very much. Met my high school sweetheart, got married to him and there we go. Life goes on, and I’m still eating like crap. And then, that was that husband and then, there was another husband, and I’m still eating like crap and emotionally nuts. And then, there’s another husband.

Steve Prussack

Yeah. But there was also an entrepreneurial journey, right? Well, you were- weren’t you in the airplane doing the stewardess thing?

Chef Babette

Well, listen, listen, yes. But see, this is what I’m saying. So I became a flight attendant, hairstylist, I had my own floral arrangement and balloons decorating business. So I did weddings, and I always had that spirit. Always had that go-getter spirit but the most important journey to me was the one where I changed my lifestyle. Because then, I was able to think more clearly and make better decisions, if you will. I felt better. You know what I mean, Steve? So it’s like you with your business. It runs better when you’re at the top of your game, when you’re almost running 100.

Steve Prussack

And that was later in life, right? Because how old were you when you made that transition?

Chef Babette

40 years old.

Steve Prussack


Steve Prussack

40 years old. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. And I always share the books because- listen, I was that girl, I was working for Northwest Airlines at the time in Reservations. I wasn’t flying men, and I can remember somebody trying to get me to take- she’s trying to sell me herbs. And I actually thought veganism was something that had to do with Hare Krishnas. I don’t know how ignorant I was. I really didn’t care. But she asked me about these herbs, and I was just like, ‘Oh, this lady is driving me crazy.’

Chef Babette

And once I read ‘Fit for Life’ volumes one and two, it just addressed so many of the challenges I was having, especially through my diet. And then also the ‘Mucusless Diet Healing System’ by Professor Arnold Ehret. We’ll, here we go. We’re getting ready to clear a whole bunch of stuff. I’m talking asthma, eczema, my earache, anything else that I had. When you go mucusless, life is getting ready to be totally different for you. So I just started changing the way that I nourish myself. The way that- I wasn’t really, it wasn’t about anybody but me, at the time that I made the transition, Steve.

Chef Babette

I wasn’t thinking about the planet, of course. I certainly wasn’t thinking about animals. I was only thinking about me and feeling better. And that’s the question that I often- I like to ask people that have transitioned. ‘Was there a specific reason that you transitioned to begin with and has that reason changed, or is it deeper now?’ And so for me, obviously, it’s much deeper. And the older I get and I don’t say older, negatively. I say older, as in more experienced, along with the number of years, I am so happy that I made the changes when I did. I’m so grateful. Yeah. That was the best thing that ever-. Hey, you want to ask me something, Steve? I could go on and on. You know how I am.

Steve Prussack

And I know the story about you starting the restaurant. And that’s been- has it been ten years now with the restaurant, too?

Chef Babette

Oh, check this out. We got the building in 2004, and we weren’t able to actually open until July of 2008. Right at the height of the recession. We don’t have any money and we’re opening this restaurant. But I love to give a shout- I gave a shoutout the other day on a post, just basically sharing with everyone what we’ve gone through since this crisis and why I can’t 100% depend on anyone outside of ourselves. We run this. It’s our baby. Because I’m a true believer, a firm believer, that whatever it is you experience, it’s because of you. Period.

Chef Babette

And so, it’s a way that we choose to move forward in our business. Do we want to be there or not? And if we want to be there, we’re going to be there the same way we were there, back then. When we got this building, Steve, we didn’t have any money. None. We were passing by an open door, met the landlord. We were on our way to Jamaica, and the guy gives us about six phone calls when we get back to town, ‘Hey, I’ll give you the building, first and last month.’ We got two buildings. First last month’s rent, security deposit. We got it, okay. Four years later, we finally can open the doors. And we were open for just a few hours a day. And then we had the grand opening, I think August till September, something like that. And here we are today, sharing. You know.

Steve Prussack

Right down there in downtown in Inglewood, California. Right here in Los Angeles, in a low income area where people were unaccustomed to such organic, fresh, plant-based food. Right?

Chef Babette

Not back then. Oh, my goodness. You’re right. It was such a desert back then. There was- there weren’t too many businesses open on the street between Regent and Queen, where we were situated. There’s a lot of boarded up places. But you know, and we were asked several times, ‘You’re going to put a vegan restaurant in Inglewood, really? Do you think that’s smart?’ And plus, you know, it was right at the height of the recession.

Chef Babette

And that is why I say, Steve, ‘It’s all in what you desire. It’s what all what you see for yourself.’ That so much is manifested and I know you know exactly what I’m talking about. And so, yeah, it took us that length of time but it was a great learning curve we had to go through. But we made it through because we didn’t have a lot of business, obviously. We were brand new at this. We had a cart that was over at Agape Spiritual Center. And thank you, Reverend Michael, Leonard Lummus, Peggy Moore, Carrie- everybody that helped us, Carrie Neal, Daniel Horton, everybody that helped us open Stuff I Eat. I’m just so grateful to all of them. But, yes. You know, it’s been an awesome journey, so far.

Steve Prussack

And the exciting thing is, we’re at the beginning of the journey here because we’re not even going into the celebrity of Chef Babette and how that’s built, to how you built that. And I don’t even know if it was on your radar back then. Back then, was it on your radar to become a celebrity?

Chef Babette

No, no, no, no. Of course, not. And that’s sweet of you to call me a celebrity. I just still feel like me. That’s the cool thing about all of this. People are so loving, and they open their arms to a person that just really, is just being themselves. And that’s what makes it- this over-the-top easy. So, when you call me a celebrity I’m like, ‘Ha-ha.’ Anyway, it’s cool. No, this was never on my radar. Thought at one time I wanted to be a singer, but wasn’t really into that.

Chef Babette

So the food thing just- because it made me feel better. This way of eating made me feel better. So I really wanted to know more and more. And self-taught chef- they label me ‘Chef,’ that’s fine. But really, it’s just a girl that learned some recipes and decide, ‘This stuff is good. And I know, I ate terribly before, you guys will like this.’ And that’s what Ron and I did, we just brought it to the people.

Steve Prussack

Ron is your husband. For those that are-

Chef Babette

Ron is my husband. Man, I don’t know if I’d be here today if it were not for him. He’s the person that came into my life started talking to me about some of the challenges I was having, skin issues and all the health challenges I was having. And he shared those books with me. He’s the one that shared those books with me. And he wasn’t vegan at the time but we both transitioned together. And then we became husband and wife. So, yeah, it’s been such a heck of a journey for the two of us, but it’s really worked out.

Chef Babette

And I think the thing that- Steve, remember when I met you? I had met this other person who was a great photographer, and he was trying to get me hooked up, maybe get a little show going. And then, you were always there for me, offering assistance because, you know I didn’t even have an email account. I didn’t have any of that. None of that.

Steve Prussack

You weren’t even on Facebook back then.

Chef Babette

No, no, not Facebook. None of that stuff. It was right at the beginning but you know, what really turned the corner was -this was the big change because Bob Lyndon helped a lot, all those- I don’t want to forget anybody. But the thing that changed the corner for me was when BuzzFeed came in.

Steve Prussack

Oh, that’s- I remember that.

Chef Babette

BuzzFeed. Yeah, we had over 2 million views, like popping off quick. And then, Mercy For Animals came in. And when Mercy For Animals did that video on us, we got a total of 10 million views.

Steve Prussack

So it became a new desire, right? I mean, first you were educating the community about plant-based foods, and then you came up with this new desire that you really wanted to reach people with this message, right?

Chef Babette

And I wanted to do it in a fun way because it’s a lifestyle. But it’s not like you got to stick up your butt and you can’t do anything. And so then it was like, ‘You will need a bigger platform.’ And so, we’re on our way. We’re going to have a show soon. And that’s really a good thing. I claim that.

Steve Prussack

What were some of the struggles in trying to do this? Because I mean, obviously, you’re working at the restaurant, you’re doing interviews later in the day when you’re just like, you just got up at three in the morning. Obviously, I know some of the struggles, but may be inside, too. What was it like for you to put yourself out there? And what did you come up against?

Chef Babette

Well, first of all, you’re new at it. And in the beginning, I’m just winging it. I’m just trying to figure it out and paying money to this person or listening to that person. And somebody pops up online and they tell me they can help me do this or that and they’re taking money and then I have to- it was just, those were such-. I’m a very trusting person, and I like to believe and see the good in people. But in business, we all know that you better know what you’re doing because there are a lot of sharks out here that will hurt you.

Chef Babette

In terms of Stuff I Eat, Rondal handled most of the business when it came to the restaurant. So I was free to try- but I really needed a good manager. And when I got with Royal One Entertainment, it was good enough. She was the perfect fit for me because I was never rushed into anything. And because I was new to all of this, if you want to say ‘celebrity stuff,’ there was a lot I needed to learn, a lot. And there were times that I would do- I would be invited maybe to speak somewhere and the critiques afterwards were painful sometimes.

Chef Babette

But I remember back then, Steve, to now and it’s like night and day. I’m a different person on stage and going forward. Just totally different because I have a stronger message and I’m more comfortable in my own skin. And thank goodness, I’m not shy.

Steve Prussack

Yeah, you’ve always been a natural but you’ve polished up the act and I mean, that’s how we learn.

Chef Babette

Yeah, it is. It really is how we learn.

Steve Prussack

Anything along the journey? I mean, you are getting on TV, Steve Harvey. I know you were featured on some of those other daytime TV shows, all over the place and- any other walls you came up against on the journey that you had to overcome?

Chef Babette

Well, you know. Man, Steve, sometimes you know, they feel like walls at the moment, but you have to understand they were just certain things you were not ready for. And you have to remember, when you’re running a business and you’re running it with a family member and then friends, we have personality and we all have egos. And I think, sometimes those can be some of the greater challenges when we’re trying to do- make this walk. You know what I mean? If that makes sense to you. Egos, egos can inflict pain. They just really sometimes get in the way.

Chef Babette

And so, maneuvering around everything and everybody and fitting the schedules in and not having enough money to do a photo shoot or to pay your manager, and it’s not like we’re making million dollars at Stuff I Eat, you know what I mean? We have a Mom-and-Pop, so to speak. And we’re just now having a delivery service we’re hooked up with, after all these years because you’ve got a 72-year old and a 70-year old running shit.

Chef Babette

So it’s like, you know, just keeping up with everything that can assist you, with- and then Corona hit. So it is what it is. And yes, there are always walls, and there are always pitfalls but from the time I was a child, I learned to get up and keep it moving. But you know what? Whenever I’ve done any of those shows, I’ve never been disappointed, not doing one of the shows. I was extremely grateful to everyone that ever asked me to be on a show.

Chef Babette

It was ‘Home & Family’ twice. ‘The Chew’- and we were able to do ‘The Chew’ in New York on their last show. Remember that? That was like, their last. Yeah and they went off the air and then, Steve Harvey was great. We just done ‘Access Hollywood.’ We’ve done that a couple of times. So you know, and it’s timing, Steve. It’s like, I don’t know- I just don’t think things are supposed to move any quicker than they’re supposed to move. So it feels like you’re hitting walls but actually, you’re right where you’re supposed to be. Period.

Chef Babette

When did you have that epiphany that this is for me? Because I remember about six years ago, you got certified as a Juice Therapist with us. And part of that training showed that you can get out there in front of a big audience and that you could be a celebrity. When did you have that epiphany?

Chef Babette

I did a cooking class. It was more kind of like a party, but it was a cooking class at night. It was my very first cooking class. It was great. I was so crazy, Steve. I set everything up at the front of the restaurant instead of setting it up- as you come through the door, instead of setting things up at the kitchen. But I had it just worked out so beautifully, people- it was dark in there, the spotlight was on me. I was screwing up so bad, Steve.

Chef Babette

At one point, I tried to turn the blender on, didn’t even have it plugged in. But I was having a blast with everybody. I was telling jokes, people would have- they loved it at the end of that. And that was the first time I felt like, ‘That felt good. I really, really enjoyed connecting with everybody like that.’ Even though I didn’t know what the hell I was doing. It was still- it was still fun. And so after that, I was invited to do a bigger event, and it happened to be one that Chef AJ invited me to.

Chef Babette

And I got down to push-ups because she challenged me. I said, ‘I can do la-da-da-da-da push-ups.’ And she goes, ‘Show me.’ And I was able to get down on the floor and do push-ups. That became a part of my thing whenever I went out. And so the older I got, Steve, the better it got. People don’t pay attention to you when you’re a youngster, but when you’ve become early elderly and you can still do 20 pushups or a 4-minute plank, ‘You are the stuff, man.’

Chef Babette

Let me just tell you. You’re not there yet, but I can share this with you. So make sure you keep your stuff together. They love you when you’re old, when you’re older and you can move. So that’s why, it’s even better now. Every time I have a birthday, I’m happier and happier. And I reach higher and higher goals. I said higher and higher goals for myself because I really- I really am challenging this lifestyle to see how long you can feel amazing living this way.

Chef Babette

To me it’s my own study. I’m doing my own study here. I really, really feel awesome. And so, you know, it’s proof. It’s proof.

Steve Prussack

So, you had the epiphany. You saw that you could do this. What was the plan? Because I know you got the agent to help out with, and not everyone has to do that because there you are working in the restaurant, you can’t do your own PR. What was the plan you put in place to start blowing it up and becoming an Instagram star and Facebook star and all those other things to reach more people?

Chef Babette

You were pretty- you were pretty instrumental because you let it be known. You got to get- you got to do social media. You got to do social media for this to work. So you were very, very helpful in that. But for some reason, you and I could never hook up to get things done. So my daughter just finally said, ‘Well, let me get you a Facebook page.’ And Facebook was first, and she started telling me, ‘I cannot build this page for you. You need to start. Get yourself an iPhone. Start making a little video.’

Chef Babette

And that’s what I did. And very shortly, people started catching on. And it became easier and easier. And then, once I got on Instagram- I never got into Twitter. I never got it. But Instagram, you get instant gratification. Either they like it or they don’t. And I just enjoyed- I enjoyed Facebook but I enjoyed Instagram a lot more. I felt closer with everybody with Instagram. Isn’t that weird?

Steve Prussack

Well, for those that want to start doing that and start filming themselves, what were some of the tips to go live that you found most helpful? Because I love early on, you said you found that just by being yourself, you know, it’s easy to be yourself. You don’t have to bullshit anyone.

Chef Babette

No, that’s the beauty of all of it. And that’s why I call- whenever I post the video I’ll go ‘Hey, family. What’s happening, family?’ Because people just really took to me. They really embraced me. It was- it was incredible. And they didn’t care about my age. They didn’t care about my color. It didn’t matter where I came from. I was just this lady that was older, that I was not killing animals to nourish herself. And who is she? And she can do jumping jacks. So it was this person that began to intrigue people. And they just really, really embraced me.

Chef Babette

And now I have more followers on Instagram than I do on Facebook and I started on Facebook. Just be willing to share yourself and come authentic. Be real. That’s what people- I see . People gravitate to people who are real. Because people- you know, it’s something about somebody being fake a lot of times, eventually they’re going to give it away. And it’s amazing. And like you said, Steve, it’s just so much easier to be yourself. And that’s what I would suggest to anybody. Because in my opinion, Steve, we’re all stars.

Chef Babette

We all have a star. And if you were created by the Intelligence that created me, and I know you were, you are one with it. And if it was that awesome and that brilliant, all you are, all you are- is just, you’re like a painting. You’re like a painting. You know, it’s like, whatever I create in the kitchen, some of my good dessert creation. It’s just an expression of me, and you’re an expression of it. So you shine too, you just have to get out of the way of your light. You can’t just keep dimming your light. Let it shine. And people will gravitate towards the light. I promise you, they will.

Chef Babette

People often say that to me, ‘Your light shines so bright.’ It’s because I give. I don’t mind sharing me. I really do not. I shared the story on Facebook the other day that some people might say- Rondal was like, ‘Yeah, you don’t tell everybody everything,’ but I shared it because somebody else may need the message that I shared. It was something personal that I felt I regretted doing when my mother- before she made her transition.

Chef Babette

And I shared that. But I shared it so, if you don’t have to ever feel like you’re living with a regret, don’t. Don’t. You’re in control. Isn’t it, isn’t it? All you have to- and the way that I stated it was, ‘Research your heart and do what is correct at the moment, so that you don’t have to live with a regret.’ Because every time I passed my mother’s room and I did not go in there to even just hold her hand, to communicate my love to her. Every time I just passed by when something said, ‘Go in that room. She wants to be with someone. She’s just laying there.’

Chef Babette

And I didn’t do it. I regret that I did not do it. Now, I’m not beating myself up and ready to go slit my throat because I didn’t do it. I didn’t do it, so that I could learn the lesson in it. So that now I can pass the lesson on to you and whoever else might get it. So that’s the way it rolls. Yeah. And that’s why whatever it is, whatever it is you’re into- but I am going to say this to you, I’m not into negativity. If you’re putting something out that’s going to heal and help and not destroy and harm, go for it and be real with it.

Chef Babette

And you know, you’re going to make mistakes. I stated something online. Somebody sent me a message, and it was something had something to do with selling black folks and all this kind of stuff. It was incorrect information. And I repeated it. And I had to go back online and say, ‘Okay, I have to unlearn what I thought I just learned.’

Chef Babette

You understand? It’s like, just do your homework, try to give people the best information that you possibly can. That’s within our power. And if you don’t know something, maybe you could be helpful not to say it because you don’t want to be giving out misinformation. Like what’s happening in our government regarding Corona virus. There’s too much misinformation, and it confuses people. So I don’t want to confuse anybody because I don’t want to be confused. So I come real with it, you know?

Chef Babette

Well, I’m going to be selfish first, being able to stay healthy at my age and from where I came from and to still feel good the way that I feel today, I’m not on medication. I don’t even have a primary care physician. Do you hear me? I do not have my own doctor. That’s how good I feel. That right there is at the top of my list because I am number one in my world. Now-

Steve Prussack

That right there is a great achievement. Well, you look at your peers and I know people that are close to you. You’ve lost a lot of peers.

Chef Babette

Yes. I lost my younger sister. She’s five years younger than me. I just lost her. I lost my first husband. He’s gone. He was Ron’s age. All these kids I grew up with, you know what I mean? And I’m seeing people with the classic illnesses. The stuff that everybody gets. Diabetes, heart disease, cancer. Here we go. ‘I’m clogged up somewhere. Little cancer got me.’

Chef Babette

And then, the thing that we do that I think is really, really, really, really horrible, when we talk about these illnesses, which I would consider invaders, if they were in my body. They’re invading my body. I need to get your ass out of here. People say, ‘My diabetes, my heart disease. My-‘ It’s an invader. It’s an intruder. Its not supposed to be there. Why are you claiming it as yours? Get rid of it. Live differently. Do something kind for you. Put you at the top of the game. Put you in the number one position. And you know, eating death, eating death. Come on now. You gonna eat death and think you gonna maintain life.

Chef Babette

You eating somebody else’s pus, somebody else’s mucus, somebody else’s blood, somebody else’s flesh. And somebody else is taking care of it for you. Stressing these animals out before you start eating them. And you’re wondering why you getting sick. I’m glad the animals are getting a break right now. Personally, we need to stop it. We need to stop it. You don’t have to kill anything to nourish ourselves. You don’t have to do it.

Steve Prussack

Let me ask you, Chef Babette. What’s your advice to those that are just starting out? They’re seeing what you’re doing. How they can be firestarters for their own health, vegan juicing revolution- how they can reach more people? What would your advice be for those just starting out?

Chef Babette

Well, number one, be true to the game and the game will be true to you. Make sure that you are ready to put yourself out there. Make sure that you’re dedicated. It takes a lot of work. I don’t have nobody posting for me on Facebook and Instagram. It takes a lot. Some days, I go dark for days and days and days. And you can’t do that because your friends are waiting to hear from you and there’s something that you have that they want and that they need. And you just want to be ready to be there and give it to them.

Chef Babette

But you got to be ready yourself and keep it valid. That’ll be cool. Yeah. And just keeping yourself relevant. You know what I’m saying? Keeping what you’re doing relevant, if that makes sense.

Steve Prussack

Excellent advice by Chef Babette. And what’s the best way for our listeners to follow the work you’re doing? How do we find you on Instagram and your website, please?

Chef Babette

Chef Babette, Instagram. Chef Babette, Facebook. And then, the website is- what is my website, Steve? Isn’t it

Steve Prussack

Yes, it is.

Chef Babette

Thank you. I never go on it. So it needs to be- it needs some help. But we’ll get to it.

Steve Prussack

Well, Chef Babette, thank you for all the work and connecting with us on the show. And continued success as we get through these dark times.

Chef Babette

I hope people enjoyed the show. It was certainly my pleasure speaking to you and all of them, Steve. I love you so much. You’re doing so freaking much. I just can’t. You’re just so awesome to me. Really, you are.

Steve Prussack

Chef Babette right here on Juicingpreneur Radio.


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